Marchwood Power selecting Trix Organizer 6

A natural gas fired CCGT power station is one of the  most efficient power stations in the UK, combining high thermal efficiency  with advanced operating procedures to produce electricity economically with  minimum environmental impact. Ready access to correct drawings and documentation  for maintenance purposes are key to maintaining this efficiency.

The plant was  handed over with 40,000 documents and drawings and a supplier-provided document  database of limited functionality. Finding documents was sometimes taking hours.  Management soon realized that a proper engineering document management system  (EDMS) would be required. Trix Organizer was selected from a number of competing  candidates and implemented in under eight weeks.
In addition to searching on known metadata the system is set up with Graphical Search so users drill down and click on ‘hot spots’ in photo images of the plant to locate the documents for that  region or piece of equipment.

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