Business support

The optimal benefits of document and information management arise when the various workflows are efficiently coordinated. The business is driven by the unabated demand to generate profits, in terms of both survival and profit generation. With a focus on the business case, the various workflows are designed and tailored to the needs of the business in order to meet the requirement for profit. To achieve this objective, we provide the fundamental methods and tools, which are described in workflows and procedures.

We develop the Trix products into effective tools. However, for maximum efficiency these tools require interacting procedures that contribute to an effective workflow.

Our goal is to provide business support that, along with our Trix products, offers a complete and efficient total solution to fit our customer’s needs.

Strategic consulting services

Our strategic consulting services offer access to our experience, contacts and knowledge of the industry. Our goal is to conduct an annual review to jointly clarify current issues and needs of interest to both parties, and to establish guidelines to facilitate smooth collaboration. We hold a management and planning meeting to address topics such as the market and technology, current needs, the use of Trix products, and budget and planning.

Business process development

When digitizing information, associated procedures must be revised and optimized. Otherwise the risk is great that employees will simply continue in the same old rut. Once deployed, procedures must be maintained and improved on at least an annual basis. We provide support for continual improvement of the processes relating to document and information management. Successful implementation requires clear objectives, modified workflows and good communication skills, as well as extensive expertise in order to integrate new processes and software tools. This support includes procedures for various types of digital processing, such as increased accessibility, revision management, as well as security and confidentiality.

Information structuring

In our experience, the document and information structuring needed for digital management requires higher quality than manual management. This is one of the advantages of a digital archive because it creates an optimal asset for the business. Inadequate quality precludes fast and accurate searches for the right information, and thus the best route to greater competitiveness. We comply with Swedish and international standards and help you to continually improve the structure of the information in order to optimize document and information management.

Information coordination

Digital information is nearly useless if well-organized digital structures are not established when the information is created. The various needs and demands of different stakeholders generate inconsistent quality of information, both in content and structure. A building or facility owner, on the far end of the supply chain, rarely receives information organized to meet their specific needs. Instead, expensive studies are often needed to re-establish the required organization. However, such situations can be improved through coordination and control when the information is received. Part of this work involves monitoring files when they are received, including both CAD and object models. We check delivered files by agreement so that the financial consequences of errors fall to those who are responsible. Nowadays, delivered information also encompasses other types of data, for example BIM-related information such as space and equipment properties.

Data verification

All incoming new or changed information must be quality-controlled based on predetermined requirements, at specified delivery times and according to agreed limits and conditions. Since digital changes are so easy to make, multiple changes can turn the control process into an extremely time-consuming and expensive job. It is better from all aspects to restrict these opportunities through planning.

We usually work remotely by logging in to the customer’s system. This helps to keep costs down.

Feasibility studies

Feasibility studies are carried out to provide a clear picture of actual needs prior to investment decisions. These studies are based on established issues concerning the needs of various user groups within the business, management needs and relevant IT needs. The results are provided in a report that may be of consequence to the investment decision. Based on the results, an implementation plan can be formulated, which would also make it possible to develop a long-term revenue and expense estimate. The feasibility study helps to identify both the needs and the solution.

Pilot installation

Once the feasibility study is completed the results can be tested in a pilot installation. The advantage is that planned measures can be tested in a real-world environment, which often provides more details that lead to modifications in the plan. New experiences can be incorporated at an early stage. A suitable reference group and the scope of the formulated needs can be tested for a period of time and followed up with meetings and discussions. The pilot installation serves as the foundation for a more detailed understanding of the needs that have emerged during the feasibility study and usually leads to a revision of the feasibility study report as a basis for investment decisions.

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