Document and information management

Today’s technology makes it possible to adapt the number of search fields to the current needs of the business. Just as previously, traditional entry of search information must be combined with both free tagging and the option for pure text searches. We create the strategic support our customers need to meet high standards of information management based on their requirements, our experience and current standards.

Here is a sample workflow: Create a document plan with predefined classes and types. Follow established standards, but customize with additions tailored to the business, preferably based on industry standards and practices. Create classification standards for the various needs of business and appropriate layout templates to control the appearance of all documents.

Decide on appropriate keywords and an information structure that everyone has to adopt and preferably adapted to the various needs of the business. Establish procedures for when a personal file on the hard drive should be registered as a shared document and provided with agreed registration information. Integrate this step as part of your quality procedures!

Our Trix products support every conceivable structure and function and we know how to make it happen.

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