Information management aims to
create optimal profitability
Well-developed information management is a
prerequisite for profitable operations
It all starts with keeping information in good order

Information management

Strategic information strengthens competitiveness and must be accessible to everyone who needs it.

Today’s engineers must be able to manage and search vast quantities of information. Technology is becoming increasingly complex and using the human brain capacity alone to keep track of information is far from ideal. Businesses in which employees store information in their heads and bring it home are vulnerable. Such information also needs to be accessible to other employees.

Modern search methods increase access to information for more employees, enabling them to make faster and better decisions while facilitating improved competitiveness.

Our goal is to ensure that the information that your business needs is available at the right time, in the desired version and with the right content. Digital technology and an organized approach make it possible to achieve this goal.

Our products structure information to include relationships between different data sets, and version control, so that a search brings up the correct and approved information. The entire process must be rigorous with secure and robust system solutions. Manual management is not an option if the objective is to optimize the business in an organization.

Document management becomes information management

Traditional document management has been our hallmark since 1996. Nowadays we work not only with documents, but also with structured information, such as the attributes of premises or equipment. Our work is not limited to document management, but also includes more comprehensive information management, also known as content management. We call it engineering information management.

Documents equate with the memory of the organization and proper management of this information is of strategic importance – not just when archived, but more importantly, when they are created and revised. The challenge is extremely relevant and most businesses still manage this area poorly. Everyone creates files, but not all files become documents that are appropriate to be saved for future use and sharing within the business. Instead, hard drives are filled with files that ultimately no one controls, causing the organization to lose its ability to organize strategic information.

Examples of customer solutions

Our customers can be found in all industries that need to invest in an efficient solution for optimal information management:

Drawing conversion in California

A West Coast County employed Trix Conversion service to convert over 2,000 TIFF (scanned) tax maps into AutoCAD DWG format so that they could create a 3D tax map of the county. They used the [...]

The Testing Lab/Assisi Enviromental

The Testing Lab employs our conversion services to convert hand-drawn sketches of apartments into an AutoCAD DWG format on a daily basis. This project is on-going and PDF´s are sent to us daily [...]

Document and information management

Fast and efficient algorithms can significantly increase search accuracy. When combined with our features for a quick preview of the contents of documents, users find new ways to gain access to information when it is needed. Read more…

Equipment and components

Equipment with all components can be documented with international engineering standards, usually according to a typical name structure with optional attribute fields that may vary based on type and product. Read more…

Structures and spaces

Physical objects like buildings and premises can be managed based on drawings. Read more…

Control over who can see and do what

Information in production contexts needs to be protected in various ways for reasons ranging from confidentiality, so that important strategic information does not leak out of the organization, to pure data security. Read more…

Control of new and revised versions

New and revised documents must be reviewed by appropriate employees, which can be done in multiple steps by coordinators responsible for various fields of engineering (i.e., mechanical, electrical, construction), followed by legal monitoring and control. Read more…

Work and approval flows

Using workflows to check information changes is much more efficient than trying to do so manually. Read more…

Case and change management

Keep control of when and how information is changed by creating a case that controls and documents events over time. Read more…

Publish delivery information using delivery reports

A large part of the work of refining and managing information is to be able to distribute it to other bodies and users. It is important both to transmit the right information and in the right volume, and to be able to trace what, when and to whom this was done. Trix products allow the creation of digital delivery reports, which are stored in the system for traceability purposes. Read more…

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