Case and change management

Changes in information generally arise in project format or as a direct task. In either case, a structured definition is needed to describe what should be done and under what conditions as an aid in the follow-up process. All changes must be preceded by a case and change order that describes the technical, financial and legal conditions. In some cases, the actual decision to implement a change is a condition, such as the decision to guarantee financial terms. This is determined in the procedure, allowing the flow of information to be monitored in activities and events. Small changes or information flows are particularly suitable as cases. Projects are usually on a larger scale, consisting of several cases in different stages. The design is determined based on needs. Case management has different names and meanings in different industries, such as case, change memo, change order or simply a work order. Whatever name is used, the process can be adapted to a terminology that suits the business.

All changes should therefore be preceded by a change order (case) so that the flow of information during the change project or management, can be monitored in activities and events. Small changes or information flows are particularly suitable as cases. Projects are usually on a larger scale, consisting of several cases in different stages. The design is voluntary, based on local needs.

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